Angry Birds, the Finnish action-based media franchise created by Rovio Entertainment, and Capsule Skateboards, the manufacturer of one of the world’s most eco-friendly and 100% recyclable skateboards, today announced the launch of Angry Birds skateboards – in a deal facilitated by Angry Birds’ global licensing agency IMG.
Skateboarders, Angry Birds enthusiasts, and skate lovers will now have the chance to upgrade their skateboarding experience, thanks to seven new eco-friendly and recyclable skateboard decks, each featuring graphics inspired by the popular mobile game and entertainment brand.
The collection aims to deliver eye-catching graphics for epic games of skate battles.
“We are more than excited to join forces with Angry Birds and share our passion for skateboarding of all generations. This new cooperation follows our company’s mission and goal to spread awareness around skateboarding and bring an eco-friendly alternative to wood board construction”, says Andreas Charalambous at Capsule Skateboards.
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the desire for outdoor sports among young kids and parents alike and skateboarding features among the top leisure choices for fun, adventure and exhilaration. Angry Birds is all about movement and activity, and through this collaboration, Capsule and Rovio Entertainment hope to encourage people around the world to be more active, outdoors.
“Movement, activity and fun are in the DNA of the Angry Birds brand, making this a great match! We are happy to encourage people to get active with Capsule’s skateboards,” says Katri Chacona, Director, Brand Licensing at Rovio.
The boards are now available for purchase only via the e-shop of Capsule Skateboards, here:
For more information on licensing opportunities with Angry Birds, visit